The State of Utah published a series of data known as "Utah Vital Statistics". Part of this series was the "Births and Deaths" data, first published in 1953, followed by “Marriages and Divorces” data, published from 1953 to 2010. Today our data is presented in a more dynamic way through dashboards that can be used by the public. We offer a Quick Stats Summary on a quarterly basis that gives a snapshot of the data that has been of the most interest to those requesting data. 

Published Data

See Utah Government Digital Library for Utah Vital Statistics data published prior to 2007.

Utah Vital Statistics is part of Utah Department of Health and Human Services Data Resources.

This online resource provides a primary point of access to a variety of information available through the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, including reports, health measures, and numeric public health data.

Utah Department of Health and Human Services Data Resources has online dataset queries known as the “IBIS-PH Indicator Based Information System for Public Health.” Utah Vital Statistics data are updated in this online dataset query system.

Special requests for vital records data must be emailed and approved by this office. Approval may require a written agreement and payment of a fee.
